Developing a strong brand in today’s business world is not anymore, the monopoly of big business.
Personal branding is the act of positively influencing your reputation or your image. In short, it is about how you are perceived by others. This includes all the visual and experiential touch points in your social and professional circle. In today’s business world, creating a powerful personal and professional brand is vital for success. This is a pursuit that will take time, consistency and persistence but is sure to pay off in a big way when undertaken with authenticity.
Everyday there are more and more graduates that compete for limited job openings among the top corporations. Daily, there are people who start their own businesses and enter heavily populated industries. How many restaurants or coffee shops do you see lining the streets of the large metros around the world? Aside from small business owners, I have noticed the rising number of solopreneurs. These are entrepreneurs who work alone, usually from home or flexible workplaces such as coffee shops. These include writers, consultants, coaches, instructors, makeup artists, and other free agents. Some are young, loaded with talent, have just graduated from school and are raring to climb the pinnacle of success. Others are in midlife and are ready to reinvent themselves for the next chapter in their life. I usually wonder if they have ever stopped to consider creating a well-thought -out brand for themselves first
Aside from small business owners, I have noticed the rising number of solopreneurs. These are entrepreneurs who work alone, usually from home or flexible workplaces such as coffee shops. These include writers, consultants, coaches, instructors, makeup artists, and other free agents. Some are young, loaded with talent, have just graduated from school and are raring to climb the pinnacle of success. Others are in midlife and are ready to reinvent themselves for the next chapter in their life. I usually wonder if they have ever stopped to consider creating a well-thought -out brand for themselves first.
Mindfully creating an authentic and powerful personal brand increases the “know-like-trust” factor that will attract opportunities, in business and beyond.